Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
All three images above were rendered using Saffron with automatic grid fitting
(i.e., Standard Alignment Zones) enabled. To produce the left two images,
Saffron's distance-based antialiasing algorithm was temporarily replaced by a
coverage-based antialiasing algorithm for the purposes of
comparison only.
Example 5
The zone plate test pattern above was rendered
from left to right by 4x supersampling with a box filter, 16x
supersampling with a Gaussian filter, 16x jittered supersampling with
a Gaussian filter, and optimal adaptive ADF supersampling. The
filtering methods of the two left images are used most often for
antialiasing type. Adaptive ADF supersampling significantly reduces
aliasing artifacts using an average of only 3.6 samples per pixel for
this image.
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Example 6
ADF supersampling also provides a dramatic reduction in temporal
aliasing, illustrated by the two videos above.
Last modified: Mon Oct 29 09:48:16 Eastern Standard Time 2007